Derval Chambers Petit - Conscious Creation Coach 
Design your next chapter!

Living Your Best Life Is a Conscious Creation!

Welcome to my website. I'm Derval, a coach, a trainer, a mum, a lifelong learner and someone who loves working with people who are looking to make conscious, meaningful and purposeful choices and changes in their lives.

As a Life and Career Coach, I've seen how easily we can get stuck in a rut, reacting to life rather than taking full control of our own life and circumstances. I've been there too and I know how frustrating and disempowering it can feel.

But what if you could take a step back, reflect on what's truly important to you and start creating the life you really want? What if you could break free from the unconscious patterns that hold you back and start living with more purpose and intention?

That's where Conscious Creation Coaching comes in. This approach helps you explore your deepest desires, values and passions to gain a clearer understanding of yourself and what truly matters to you. This approach also allows you to discover what is truly holding you back and blocking you from getting there. So much of this is under the surface, it's unconscious but drives our lives. By shining a light on some of our key unconscious patterns and programming we can start to make some profound and lasting changes and begin to consciously create what we really want.


"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change"

Dr Wayne Dyer

 "The only person you  are destined to become is the person you decide to be." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

As a coach, my mission is to support people and groups to consciously and intentionally create and navigate change naturally and courageously. To embrace the discomfort that may come with that and emerge on the other side, transformed and more resilient.

I am down to earth and strive to make the experience of coaching as natural, enjoyable and personal. Authenticity is a core value of mine and it drives how I work with all my clients.  

I offer individual and group coaching, as well as training and webinars. These services are available both in-person in Dublin and online, catering to both private and corporate clients locally, nationally, and internationally. 

Life coaching is a powerful  catalyst  for personal growth and transformation. As a life coach, I am dedicated to helping people break through barriers, challenge limiting beliefs, unlock full potential and ultimately bring our unconscious programming to the surface . 

By embracing the power of Conscious Creation Coaching, you can shift from living life on autopilot to intentionally creating the reality you desire. You'll learn to recognize the distinction between life happening to you versus life happening for you and you'll develop the skills to proactively shape your path and desired reality.

You will step over your comfort zone and go beyond your perceived limitations. It is by stepping into the realm of the unknown and the unconscious you will unleash untapped potential and discover new possibilities.
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